effective communication training

Persuasion Dynamix

The difference between “sales” and “persuasion”...

The difference between sales and persuasion is not just a matter of semantics. It is very real.

  • Sales is “convincing” someone to do something (sometimes against their will or better judgement).
  • Persuasion is helping them come to their own conclusion about the subject. The most effective persuasion techniques are very natural and subtle because they are based upon an understanding of how the unconscious mind works.

Persuasion is very personal

Each person has their own way of determining what actions to take or not take in a given situation. While part of the decision making process may be at the conscious level, most of the decision making process takes place unconsciously.

How does a person know what to do in a given situation?persuasion techniques

The simplified answer is that they compare the information that they have gathered (with or without your help)  to their internal decision “criteria” and use their decision making “strategies.”

These criteria and strategies are based upon the values, beliefs, and filters that make up their “Personal Perspective” and are skewed by their personality and methods of gathering and storing information.

Most people are completely unaware of their criteria and strategies, yet it is this model which really controls their decision process.

Fortunately, it is possible to determine the Perspective and strategies being used to make a decision and either change the Perspective oar change our message to conform to their Perspective.

Persuasion Dynamix shows you exactly how to match your message to their perspective and make more money instantly.

sales and persuasion training perceived value

How to sell more... right now!

Use advanced questioning techniques to uncover your prospects perceived cost and perceived value regarding what you are selling. These perceptions are controlled by their personal perspective. Then use their own strategies to radically tilt the proposition in your favor.

Here's an article that explains how to discover their values regarding your product.

Selling in a "bad" economy

I'll leave it the experts to tell us whether we are in a "bad" economy right now... at Maximum Advantage we have decided not to participate.

The fact is that people are still buying things... and your job as a professional sales person is to make sure that whatever amount of money that is being spent is being spent with you, not with one of your competitors or on some other type of product.

Now more than ever, understanding the subtle psychological processes at work during the sales process are critically important for you to survive and even flourish during these "bad" times.

I invite you to decide along with us that you are not going to participate!

Here's detailed information that explains how to sell more right now.

Outcomes you can expect...

By the end of the program, each person will:

Understand the one reason why people buy and how to instantly adapt their presentation to match this reason
Know how to quickly and effectively eliminate objections in virtually every situation
Know three ways to find out what people are “really” thinking
Know how to use “frames” to change how others view events
Know how to be more productive by weeding out the “lookers” from the
real prospects
Know the magic words that will help to ensure that you get what you
want (and no, it’s not “please”)
Know how to instantly create and maintain rapport with anyone

Customize the program right now!



How this program was created

First we reviewed the most effective persuasion techniques of the past one hundred years by modeling the most successful persuaders of all time including managers, politicians, ministers, and professional sales people.

Then we refined these methods by combining them with the results of years of research into how the conscious and unconscious minds work and adapting recent advances in modern psychology to the art of persuasion.

Finally we applied the principles of modern linguistics to create an easyto-use and intuitive system that will take your persuasion skills to what
ever level you desire.

Is This Unfair?

Only if you think that it’s unfair that Tiger Woods is the best golfer in the world because he practices more than anyone else.

In today’s ultra competitive business environment even small advantages can make a big difference, and that’s why will
give you an immediate and measurable benefit.
Just like extra study and practice make Tiger the world’s best golfer.

The critical skills and strategies you will learn with this program are discoveries, not inventions.

Because you are willing to learn
these discoveries you will have a better understanding than
your competitors of how the decision process works.

And that will give you a very real advantage that some may
consider to be unfair.