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Persuasion Secret #6

Get the slight edge

The real masters of persuasion and marketing use dozens of additional special techniques to give them a slight edge that they use to overwhelm their competitors and drive dozens of hungry buyers into their arms.

If you think a slight edge is meaningless, think again. After all, in the Olympics, the difference between those who win the gold and those who win the silver is often just a few hundredths of a second or a fraction of a point.

Everybody remembers Michael Phelps who won the gold in the Olympics... no one knows or cares who came in second.

Here are some of the slight edge techniques available from Maximum Advantage:

Our number one most powerful edge technique of using metaphors and stories to make your point without your prospect even knowing it.

How the old fashioned "head bob" technique has been modernized into the powerful concept of "yes sets" that can tip the scale in your favor when you need something extra.

Easy ways to use embedded commands in your conversations to "mark off" key elements of your message and have people instinctively respond.

The four ways that people absorb and retain information and how to make sure your message gets through to everyone.

How to use frames to totally transform any conversation or social situation. Go from negative to positive, conflict to harmony, in just seconds.

How to use second, third and fourth party quotes to deliver the most difficult and outrageous information and walk away unscathed.

Questioning techniques that shine a flashlight on the information that you want to highlight and force your audience to take ownership of your ideas.

How Barack Obama used abstractions to win the presidential election and become the most powerful man in the world. And we'll show you how to use them to supercharge any marketing or sales campaign.

The powerful strategy of nested loops that forces the prospects unconscious mind to pay attention to you.


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